
590 5th Ave, Ste 1124, New York, NY 10036
Consultations: (646) 350-1675

About Us

Maria-Margaret-LoTempio-MD-FACS-3Dr. Maria LoTempio

Board Certifications

Diplomate, American Board of Plastic Surgery
Certificate Number 7870
Issued November 13, 2010
Expires December 31, 2030

Diplomate, American Board of Otolaryngology/Head &Neck Surgery
Certificate Number 18950
Issued June 5, 20015
Expires June 30, 2026

Professional Societies

Training Medical School

State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine
Buffalo, New York
Doctor of Medicine
Graduation May 1999


Georgetown University
Washington, DC
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Graduation May 1993


David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
Program Director: Gerald S. Berke, MD
General Surgery Resident June 1999-2001
Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Resident June 2001 to 2004
Chief Resident Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 2004 to 2005
Board Certified June 2006


Medical University of South Carolina
Plastic Surgery
Program Director: John H. Robinson, MD
Plastic Surgery Resident July 2005-June 2006
Chief Resident Plastic Surgery July 2006-June 2007


Microsurgery Breast Reconstruction
Medical University of South Carolina
Program Director: Robert J. Allen, MD
Fellowship Location: New York Eye and Ear Infirmary- New York, New York
Oschner Baptist- New Orleans, Louisiana, MUSC-Charleston, South Carolina
July 2007-December 2007


The Osler Institute Teaching Award 2019
Plastic Surgery Review Course for Written Boards
Chicago, Illinois, September 2016

Presentation of an Outstanding Paper Award-American Association of Hand Surgery, American Society for Peripheral Nerve, American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery
Meeting Las Vegas, Nevada January 14,2012

Resident Educational Grant Recipient – Annual American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Meeting New York, New York September 2004

Resident Poster Presentation Award- Combined Otolaryngological Spring Meeting (COSM) May 2004 for Curcumin Suppresses Growth of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinonoma Poster Presentation Combined Otolaryngological Spring Meeting (COSM) Triological Society Scottsdale, Arizona May 2004

Resident Oral Presentation Award –Triological Society (Western Section)
February 2002 for Treatment of Advanced Oral Cancers with Chemotherapy and Radiation

Resident Educational Grant Recipient – Annual American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Meeting September 2002

UCLA Star Award Recipient-Given to the clinician providing outstanding patient care
UCLA January 2005

Resident Educational Grant Recipient- Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons Meeting June 2006

Medical School

President of Iota Epsilon Alpha-International Medical Honor Society-member since 1995
Magna Cum Laude- Medical School
Graduate Dean’s list (eight quarters)
Oxford University Surgical Externship January 1997 to June 1997


Sigma Theta Tau –International Nursing Honor Society- member since 1991
Magna Cum Laude- Nursing 1993
Undergraduate Dean’s List (four quarters)
Undergraduate First Honors (two quarters)
Undergraduate Second Honors (two quarters)
National Dean’s List 1990-1993
Dean’s Citation Award- May 1993
Senior Class Representative: White House – President Clinton’s National Health Care Week- May 1993

Ice Skating Champion
North American Precision Ice Skating Champion 1984
United States National Precision Ice Skating Champion 1983 & 1984


LoTempio MM, Wang MB, Sadeghi A
Treatment of Advanced Oropharyngeal Cancers with Chemotherapy and Radiation.
Ears Nose Throat Journal 2003 May;82(5):367-70.

LoTempio MM, Shapiro NL
Tracheotomy Tube Placement in Children Following Cardiothoracic Surgery: Indications & Outcomes. American Journal of Otolaryngology 2002 Nov-Dec;23(6):337-40.

LoTempio MM, Veena MS, Steele, HL, Ramamurthy B, Ramalingam TS, Cohen An, Chakrabarti R,Srivatsan Es, Wang MB Curcumin suppresses growth of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Clin Cancer Res. 2005 Oct 1;11(19 Pt 1):6994-7002.
LoTempio, MM, Wang KF, Sadeghi A, DeLacure MD, Juilliard GF, Wang MB
Comparison of quality of life outcomes in laryngeal cancer patients following chemoradiation versus total laryngectomy. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 132:948-953.2005.

Ba BM, LoTempio, MM, Wang MB
Pharyngeal diverticulum as a sequela of anterior cervical fusion.
Am J Otolaryngol. 2006 Jul-Aug;27(4):295-7.

Mowry SE, Ho A, LoTempio, MM, Sadeghi A, Blackwell KE, Wang MB
Quality of Life in Advanced Oropharyngeal Carcinoma After Chemoradiation Versus Surgery and Radiation.  Laryngoscope. 2006 Sep;116(9):1589-1593.

Allen RA, LoTempio MM, Granzow JW
Inferior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flaps for Breast Reconstruction. Seminars in Plastic Surgery.2006 May:20(2): 89-94.

Allen RA, LoTempio MM
Stragegies and Options for Free TRAM Flap Breast Reconstruction in Patients with Midline Abdominal Scars-Annotated bibliography. Breast Disease: A Year Book Quarterly. 2006 July-September:17(2):192.

Allen RA, LoTempio MM
Comparison of Donor-Site Complications and Functional Outcomes in Free Muscle Sparing TRAM Flap and Free DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction-Annotated bibliography. Breast Disease: A Year Book Quarterly. 2006 October-December:17(3):293-294.
Allen RJ, LoTempio, MM.
New View for Breast Reconstruction: DIEP
The American Breast Cancer Guide
2006 Edition

Mowry SE, LoTempio, MM, Sadeghi A, Wang  KH, Wang MB
Quality of life outcomes in laryngeal and oropharyngeal cancer patients after chemoradiation.
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2006 Oct;135(4):565-70.

Gautam AK, Allen RJ, LoTempio MM, Moutcastle TS, Levine JL, Allen RJ, Chiu ES
Congenital Breast Deformity Reconstruction Using Perforator Flaps.
Ann Plast Surg. 2007 Apr;58(4):353-358.

LoTempio MM, Allen RJ
Microvascular free superior and inferior gluteal artery perforator(S/IGAP) flaps
Grabb’s Encyclopedia of Flaps-3rd Edition

Allen RJ Jr., LoTempio MM, Allen, RJ Sr.
Transplantation in Identical Twins: Another Option for Breast Reconstruction
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008 Oct;122(4):1019-23.

LoTempio MM, Allen, RJ
Superior and inferior gluteal artery perforator flaps for breast reconstruction
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 Aug;126(2):392-401

LoTempio MM, Allen, RJ, Blondeel, P
Alternative Flaps for Breast Reconstruction Chapter
Perforator Breast Flaps 2011.

Allen, RJ Sr., Mayo, JL, Allen,RJ, Jr., LoTempio, MM
Ch 33: Superior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flap
Blondeel, Hallock, Morris, & Neligan:  Perforator Flaps: Anatomy, Technique, and Clinical Applications, 2E 2010.Pending

Allen, RJ Sr., Mayo, JL, Allen,RJ, Jr., LoTempio, MM
Ch 33: Inferior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flap
Blondeel, Hallock, Morris, & Neligan:  Perforator Flaps: Anatomy, Technique, and Clinical Applications, 2E 2010. Pending.

Chen CM, LoTempio M, and Allen RJ Sr.
The Inferior Gluteal Artery Perforator (IGAP) Flap for Microsurgical Breast Reconstruction.
In Spear SL (Ed.), Surgery of the Breast: Principles and Art, 3rd Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010.

Chen CM, Craigie J, Erhard H, Greenspun D, Khoobehi K, Kline R, Levine J, LoTempio M, Sadeghi A, Spiegel A, Stolier A, Allen RJ.
Study Suggests Trend Toward Greater Donor-site Morbidity in TRAM Flap Patients
Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011 Feb;127(2):1007-8; author reply 1008-9.

LoTempio, MM.. Gerald, GL, Allen, RJ
Breast Reconstruction with Free Flaps Chapter
Salgarello, M. Breast Reconstruction. 2012.

Levine JL, Vasile JV, Greenspun DG, LoTempio MM, Allen RJ.
Breast reconstruction- GAP Flaps. Book chapter: Boyd JB and Jones NF, ed.
Operative Microsurgery, 1st ed, McGraw Hill 2012.

Chen C, LoTempio MM, and Allen RJ Sr.
Profunda Artery Perforator(PAP) Flap for Breast Reconstruction. Book chapter:Spigel AJ, Breast Reconstruction: Current Perspectives and State of the Art Techniques.1st ed. Intech 2013.

Burke MS, Kaplan SE, Kaplowitz LJ, LoTempio MM, Hicks WL Jr, Rigual NR, Popat SR, Tomljanovich PI, Loree TR.
Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap for Reconstruction of Circumferential Pharyngeal Defects. Ann Plast Surg. 2013 Dec;71(6):649-51.

Thimmappa ND, Prince MR, Colen K, Ahn C, Dutrel SP, Boddu SR, Greenspun DT, Vasile JV, Chen CM, Usal H, Rhode CH, Redstone JS, LoTempio MM, Lerman OZ, Allen RJ, Levine JL.Breast Tissue Expanders with Magnetic Ports: Clinical Experience at 1.5 Tesla. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2016 Dec;138(6):1171-1178.

LoTempio MM, Claudius I. Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong. (EMRAP Podcast,
producer: Herbert M). Emergency Medicine: Reviews and Perspectives.
Los Angeles, CA, Oct 2018.


Allen RJ, LoTempio MM, Massey MF. January 2007, “Breast Reconstruction with Perforator Flaps”, 23rd Annual Breast Surgery Symposium.
Allen RJ, Craigie JE, LoTempio MM, Massey MF, January 2007, “Nipple Areolar Complex Sparing Mastectomy with Perforator Flap Reconstruction”, 23rd Annual Breast Surgery Symposium.

Presentations Medical School

Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap with Prevertebal Fascia for Reconstruction of Total Pharyngectomy Defects
Poster Presentation
American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Boston, Massachusetts
October 1998

Tracheotomy Tube Placement in Children Following
Cardiothoracic Surgery: Indications and Outcomes
Poster Presentation
American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (ASPO)
Scottsdale, Arizona
May 2001

Treatment of Advanced Oral Cancers with Chemotherapy and Radiation
Oral Presentation
Western Section of the American Laryngological, Rhinological and
Otological (Triological Society)
Pasedena, Californa.
February 2002

Pediatric Neck Masses
Oral Presentation
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Division of Head & Neck Surgery Residency Teaching Conference,
Los Angeles, California
May 2003

In-Vitro Effects of Curcumin on Head and Neck Cancer Cell Lines
Poster Presentation
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Short Term Training Program
Los Angeles, California
July 2003

Facial Analysis
Oral Presentation
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Division of Head & Neck Surgery Residency Teaching Conference,
Los Angeles, California
November 2003

Curcumin Suppresses Growth of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma- Cell Line CAL 27
Poster Presentation
American Association for Cancer Research
Orlando, Florida
March 2004

Curcumin Suppresses Growth of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma- Cell Lines 
Cal 27& CCL 23
Poster Presentation
Combined Otolaryngological Spring Meeting (COSM) Triological Society
Scottsdale, Arizona
April 2004

Suppression on the Growth of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma using 
the Spice Tumeric
Oral Presentation
Paul Ward Society Meeting
Los Angeles, California
June 2004

Quality of Life Outcomes in the Evaluation of Laryngeal Cancer Treatments
Podium Presentation
6th International Head and Neck Society Meeting
Washington, DC
August 2004

Curcumin Suppresses Growth of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma -Cell Lines Cal 27,
Poster Presentation
6th International Head and Neck Society Meeting
Washington, DC
August 2004

Curcumin Suppresses Growth of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma -Cell Lines Cal 27,
Poster Presentation
American Academy of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
New York, New York
September 2004

Pharyngeal Diverticulum as a Sequela of Anterior Cervical Fusion
Poster Presentation
American Academy of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
New York, New York
September 2004

Quality of Life Outcomes in the Evaluation of Laryngeal Cancer Treatments
Podium Presentation
American Academy of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
New York, New York
September 2004

Mid Face Fractures: Diagnosis and Treatment
Oral Presentation
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Division of Head & Neck Surgery Residency Teaching Conference,
Los Angeles, California
November 2004

Quality of Life Outcomes in Laryngeal and Oropharyngeal Cancer Patients following Chemoradiation
Poster Presentation
Annual Meeting of the American Head and Neck Society
Boca Raton, Florida
May 2005

Quality of life outcomes in patients with advanced oropharyngeal carcinoma following
Chemoradiation versus surgery and radiation
Oral Presentation by Sara Mowry
Annual Meeting of the Triological Society
Chicago, Illinois
May 2006

Scarless Breast Reconstruction with Perforator Flaps
Oral Presentation
Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Sea Island, Georgia
June 2006

Breast Reconstruction with Autologous Tissue, II International Practical & Theoretical
Course on Breast Reconstructive Surgery
Written Presentation
Rome, Italy
June 2006

DIEP Breast Reconstruction: Step by Step
Oral Presentation
The Fifth National Mexican Congress of Mastology
Leon, Mexico
September 2006

Nipple Areolar Sparring Mastectomy with Breast Reconstruction using Perforator Flaps
Oral Presentation
The Fifth National Mexican Congress of Mastology
Leon, Mexico
September 2006

Breast Reconstructive Options with Perforator Flaps
Oral Presentation
5th National Congress of Mexican Association
Leon, Mexico
September 2006

Nipple Areolar Sparring Mastectomy with Breast Reconstruction using Perforator Flaps
Oral Presentation
5th National Congress of Mexican Association
Leon, Mexico
September 2006

IGAP-SGAP Step by Step
Written Presentation
5th National Congress of Mexican Association
Leon, Mexico
September 2006

Breast Reconstruction using Perforator Flaps
Written Presentation
5th National Congress of Mexican
Leon, Mexico
September 2006

First Transplant Bilateral Breast Reconstruction with Perforator in Identical Twins
Oral Presentation
American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery
Puerto Rico
January 2007

Breast Reconstruction with Perforator Flaps
Written Presentation
Breast Symposium
Atlanta, Georgia
January 2007

Nipple Sparing Mastectomy with Perforator Reconstruction
Written Presentation
Breast Symposium,
Atlanta, Georgia
January 2007

Nipple Areolar Sparring Mastectomy with Perforator Perforator Breast Flaps
Oral Presentation
Senior Residents Conference
Pasadena, California
February 2007

Nipple Areolar Sparring Mastectomy with Perforator Perforator Breast Flaps
Oral Presentation
American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
New York, New York
April 2007

Nipple Areolar Sparring Mastectomy with Perforator Perforator Breast Flaps
Oral Presentation
The Group for Advancement of Breast Reconstruction
Paris, France
May 2007

First Transplant Bilateral Breast Reconstruction with Perforator in Identical Twins
Oral Presentation- 2nd place for best case presentation
Greater Advancement for Breast Reconstruction
Paris, France
May 2007

Transplantation in Breast Reconstruction using perforator flaps on Identical Twins
Poster Presentation
American Association of Plastic Surgeons
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
May 2007

Transplantation in Identical Twins: Another option for Breast Reconstruction
Written Presentation
Athens, Greece
June 2007

Breast Reconstruction with Perforator Flaps
Written Presentation
International Confederation for Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
Berlin, Germany
June 2007

Nipple-Areola Complex Sparing Mastectomy with Perforator Flap Reconstruction
Written Presentation
QMP Symposium
St. Louis, Missouri
September 2007

S/IGAP Instructional Course
Written Presentation
ASPS Meeting
Baltimore, Maryland
October 2007

Problem Cases in Perforator Flap Reconstruction
Written Presentation
4th Annual Perforator Meeting
Barcelona, Spain
November 2007

Form and Function-Lymphedema
Written Presentation
Harvard University
Boston, Massachusetts
February 2008

Advancement of Breast Reconstruction
Written Presentation
Harvard University
Boston, Massachusetts
February 2008

Form and Function- Treatment for Lymphedema
Oral Presentation
National Lymphedema Network
San Diego, California
August 2008

Lymph Node Transplantation in Breast Reconstruction using Perforator Flaps
Oral Presentation
American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery
Maui, Hawaii
January 2009

Septocutaneous Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery Flap for Breast Reconstruction
Oral Presentation
American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery
Maui, Hawaii
January 2009

History of Breast Reconstruction with Perforator Flaps
Written Presentation
1st International Breast Surgery Workshop
Rome, Italy
January 2009

Restoring Form and Function with Breast Reconstruction
Oral Presentation
1st European Meeting of Young Surgeons
Rome, Italy
June 2009

Neurotube and Coupler Uses
Oral Presentation
1st European Meeting of Young Surgeons
Rome, Italy
June 2009

Restoring Form and Function with Breast Reconstruction
Oral Presentation
GIT Meeting
Sardinia, Italy
June 2009

Lymph node Transplantation in Breast Reconstruction using Perforator Flaps
Poster Presentation
Breast Symposium
San Antonio, TX
December 2009

Transverse Upper Gracilis Flap Breast Reconstruction without the Gracilis Muscle
Oral Presentation
American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgeons
Boca Raton, FL
January 2010

Comparative Outcomes of Non-abdominal Based Free Flap Breast Reconstruction
Written Presentation
American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgeons
Boca Raton, FL
January 2010

Restoring Form and Function in Breast Cancer Patients
Oral Presentation
Medical University of South Carolina Plastic Surgery Conference
Charleston, SC
April 2010

Breast reconstruction using the DIEP flap with lymph node transfer in patients with Lymphedema
Oral Presentation
Baptist Memorial Hospital- breast cancer awareness seminar
Memphis, TN
April 2010

Superior and Inferior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flaps for Breast Reconstruction
Written Presentation
Modern Concepts: Breast Aesthetics and Reconstruction
Conventry, England
July 2010

Emerging Field of Septocutaneous Flaps in Breast Reconstruction
Written Presentation
Modern Concepts: Breast Aesthetics and Reconstruction
Conventry, England
July 2010

Restoring Form and Function with Lymph Node Transfer
Written Presentation
Modern Concepts: Breast Aesthetics and Reconstruction
Conventry, England
July 2010

Expanding Indications of Nipple Sparing Mastectomy
Written Presentation
Modern Concepts: Breast Aesthetics and Reconstruction
Conventry, England
July 2010

Septocutaneous Perforator Flaps
Written Presentation
13th International Course on Perforator Flaps
Mexico City, Mexico
October 2010

Secondary Procedures on Perforator Flaps for Breast Reconstruction
Written Presentation
13th International Course on Perforator Flaps
Mexico City, Mexico
October 2010

Gluteal Perforator Flaps: Step by Step
Written Presentation
13th International Course on Perforator Flaps
Mexico City, Mexico
October 2010

Breast Reconstruction: Additional options
Written Presentation
NYU Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds
New York, New York
March 2011

Introducing the Profunda Artery Perforator Flap (PAP): A New Technique for Breast Reconstruction
Written Presentation
University of Pennsylvania: Whitaker Lecture
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
May 2011

Breast Reconstruction with Perforator Flaps: A Review 2629 Cases
Written Presentation
University of Pennsylvania: Whitaker Lecture
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
May 2011

Lymph Node Transplantion: A Treatment Option for Post-Mastectomy Lymphedema Syndrome
Oral Presentation
World Society of Microsurgeons
Helsinki, Finland
June 2011

The Profunda Artery Perforator Flap (PAP): A New Technique for Breast Reconstruction
Written Presentation
World Society of Microsurgeons
Helsinki, Finland
June 2011

Introducing the PAP and TGAP Flaps for Breast Reconstruction
Written Presentation
14th International Course on Perforator Flaps
Seoul, Korea
October 2011

The Profunda Artery Perforator Flap (PAP): A New Technique for Breast Reconstruction
Oral Presentation
24th National Congress of the Italian Society for Microsurgery
Palermo, Sicily
October 2011

The Profunda Artery Perforator Flap (PAP): A New Technique for Breast Reconstruction
Oral Presentation
24th National Congress of the Italian Society for Microsurgery
Palermo, Sicily
October 2011

DIEP Breast Reconstruction
Written Presentation
Breast Reconstruction Sate of Art-NYU
New York, New York
November 2011

Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy with Free Flap Reconstruction
Written Presentation
Breast Reconstruction Sate of Art-NYU
New York, New York
November 2011

Introducing the PAP and TGAP Flaps for Breast Reconstruction
Written Presentation
Breast Reconstruction Sate of Art-NYU
New York, New York
November 2011

The PAP and TGAPS flaps for Breast Reconstruction
Oral Presentation
American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery
Las Vegas, Nevada
January 2012

Heaven and Hell- Fat Grafting and simultaneous DIEP for Breast Reconstruction
Oral Presentation
Group for Advancement in Breast Reconstruction
Sonoma, California
April 2012

Simutaneous ICAP and PAP flap for Breast reconstruction
Oral Presentation
Group for Advancement in Breast Reconstruction
Sonoma, California
April 2012

Focus on DIEP’s Made Easy
Oral Presentation
QMP Reconstructive Surgery Symposium
Chicago, Illinois
November 2012

Alternative Free Flaps for Breast Reconstruction
Oral Presentation
QMP Reconstructive Surgery Symposium
Chicago, Illinois
November 2012

Restoring Form and Function with Breast Reconstruction
Oral Presentation
Cornell/Columbia Department of Plastic Surgery
New York, New York
February 2013

Restoring Form and Function-Lymphedema Today
Oral Presentation
Baxter Medical Symposium
Los Angeles, California
February 2013

Alternative Free Flaps for Breast Reconstruction
Oral Presentation
Baxter Medical Symposium
Los Angeles, California
February 2013

Restoring Form and Function Treatment of Lymphedema
Oral Presentation
Georgetown Plastic Surgery Conference
Washington, D.C.
May 2013

PAP Free Flaps for Breast Reconstruction
Oral Presentation
Georgetown Plastic Surgery Conference
Washington, D.C.
May 2013

Restoring Form and Function Treatment of Lymphedema
Oral Presentation
NYEE Nursing Conference
New York, N.Y.
June 2013

Women in Surgery Panel-History of the First Female Plastic Surgeon
Oral Presentation
NYU 15th International Course on Perforator Flaps
New York, N.Y.
November 2013

Spy- Applications
Oral Presentation
Association of Operating Room Nurses
NYC Chapter
New York, N.Y.
December 2013

A Career Choice as a Private Plastic Surgeon
Oral Presentation
Mount Sinai School of Medicine-Career Day
New York, N.Y.
March 2014

Lymphedema: Form and Function
Oral Presentation
MUSC Morning Conference
Charleston, S.C.
May 2014

Concomitant Volumization of the Breast with Perforator Flaps
Poster Presentation
Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Nassau, Bahamas
June 2014

Current practice and Approaches to Aesthetic Surgery
Oral Presentation
NYU Langone Department of Plastic Surgery
New York, New York
August 2016

“The Face”
Oral Presentation
Hadassah Women’s Group
New York, New York
June 2017

Perforator Flaps: A Ten-Year Perspective
Oral Presentation
SICPRE 2017 66th National Congress of the
Italian Plastic and Reconstructive Society
Modena, Italy
September 2017

Practicing Plastic Surgery in the Middle East: An Interesting Perspective
Oral Presentation
43rd Annual Convention of the International Society of Plastic & Aesthetic Nurses
Orlando, Florida
October 2017

Microsurgical Breast Reconstruction
Written Presentation
2nd Microsurgery Course Bari
Bari, Italy
November 2018

Buttock Augmentation: Options and Innovations
Oral Presentation
Integral Beauty Conference
New York, New York
June 20222


Kynurenic acid but not 2-amino-7-phoshonoheptanoic, protected seizure initiation in the area tempestas an epileptogenic site in the rat
March 1991- completed May 1993
Department of Neuropharmacology at Georgetown University School of Medicine

Medical School
Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap with Prevertebal Fascia for Reconstruction of Total Pharyngectomy Defects
November 1997- completed September 1998
Department of Head and Neck Surgery at Roswell Park Cancer Institute

Tracheotomy Tube Placement in Children Following
Cardiothoracic Surgery: Indications and Outcomes
August 2000- completed August 2002
Department of Head and Neck Surgery at David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Treatment of Advanced Oral Cancers with Chemotherapy and Radiation
September 2000- completed February 2002
Department of Head and Neck Surgery at David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Temporal Bone Chloroma
November 2001 completed September 2003
Department of Head and Neck Surgery at David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Quality of Life of Patients Undergoing Total Laryngectomy versus Chemoradiation
October 2002 to present
Department of Head and Neck Surgery at David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

SmartSound Facial Rejuvenation Technique
January 2003 completed June 2003
Department of Head and Neck Surgery at David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

In-Vitro and In-Vivo Effects of Curcumin as a Chemotherapeutic Agent
April 2003 to December 2003
Department of Head and Neck Surgery at David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Pharyngeal Diverticulum as a Sequela of Anterior Cervical Fusion
September 2003 to December 2003
Department of Head and Neck Surgery at David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

National Institute of Health Grant #RCA116826A
Curcumin Suppression of Head and Neck Cancer
Principal Investigator: Marilene B. Wang, MD
Research Fellow: Maria M. LoTempio, MD
January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2008
Amount: $250,000


American Society of Plastic Reconstructive Surgeons, Boston’s Annual Scientific Meeting,
Boston, MA, October 1998

Western Section of the American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological (Triological Society) Pasedena, Californa. February 2002.

American Association for Cancer Research, Orlando, Florida, March 2004

Triological Society Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona May 2004

Paul Ward Society Meeting Los Angeles, California June 2004

6th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer, Washington, DC August 2004

American Academy of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, New York, New York
September 2004

SESPRS Meeting Sea Island, Georgia, June 2006

5th Annual National Congress of Mexican Association, Leon, Guanajuato, August 2006

ASRM Meeting, Puerto Rico, Rio Grande, January 2007

3rd Annual Breast Surgery Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia January 2007

Senior Resident Meeting, Los Angeles, California February 2007

American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, New York, New York, April 2007

2nd Annual GABR’s Meeting, Paris, France, May 2007

American Society Plastic Surgeons Meeting, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, May 2007

ASPS Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, October 2007

4th Annual Meeting on Perforator Flaps, Barcelona, Spain, November 2007

National Lymphedema Network, San Diego, California, August 2008

ASPS Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, October 2008

ASRM Meeting, Maui, Hawaii, January 2009

The FORCE Meeting, Orlando, Florida, May 2009
1st European Meeting of Young Surgeons, Rome Italy, June 2009

GIT Meeting, Sardinia Italy, June 2009

32nd Annual Breast Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, December 2009

American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery, Boca Raton, Florida January 2010

Baptist Hospital Breast Cancer Awareness Seminar, Memphis, Tennessee April 2010

American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Washington, D.C. April 2010

American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery, Cancun, Mexico January 2011

24th National Congress of the Italian Society for Microsurgery, Palermo, Sicily October 2011

American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery, Las Vegas, Nevada January 2012

Group for Advance of Breast Reconstruction, Sonoma, California April 2012

QMP Reconstructive Surgery Symposium, Chicago, Illinois November 2012

American College of Surgeons, Washington, D.C. October 2013

15th International Course of Perforator Flaps, New York, New York November 2013

SESPRS Meeting Nassau, Bahamas, June 2014

ASPS Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, October 2014

American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery, Nassau, Bahamas January 2015

SICPRE 2017 66th National Congress of the Italian Plastic & Reconstructive Society September 2017

New York Plastic Surgery Society, March 2019

ASPS Meeting, San Diego, California, September 2019

Aesthetic Society Meeting, Miami, Florida May 2021

Integral Beauty Conference, New York, New York June 2022

Mentor Pre-pectoral course with Aldona Spiegel, MD, Houston, Texas June 2023

Integral Beauty Second Annual Conference, New York, New York November 2023


South Carolina Medical License #28291
California State Medical License #A75631
New York State Medical License #244623
Louisiana State Medical License #201641
Connecticut State Medical License #46738
Florida State Medical License #ME155469
New Hampshire State Medical License #18258
New Jersey State Medical License 25MA08538500
Virginia Medical License pending
Drug Enforcement Administration # upon request
New York State Registered Nursing License

Hospital Affiliations

New York Eye and Ear Infirmary – Mount Sinai
New York, New York
July 2007

Greenwich Hospital
Greenwich, Connecticut
December 2009

Lenox Hill Hospital-Northwell
New York, New York
November 2011

New York Presbyterian Hospital
New York, New York
December 2010

Roper/St. Francis Hospital
Charleston, South Carolina
September 2007

Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Buffalo, New York
January 2009

Academic Adjunct Associate Professor Plastic Surgery
Affiliations New York Eye and Ear Infirmary
April 2009
Assistant Clinical Professor Plastic Surgery
Medical University of South Carolina
July 2010

Assistant Clinical Professor Plastic Surgery
Weill- Cornell Medical School
July 2013

Teaching Responsibilities

Teaching/ Staffing Aesthetic fellows NYEE
2008- 2016

Teaching/ Staffing Aesthetic fellows MEETH
2011- present


Lean Committee Member
NYEEI, New York
December 2013

Quality meeting
NYEEI, New York
January 2015

New York County Medical Society
Board of Directors
New York, New York
September 2019

Medical Society of the State of New York
Tarrytown, New York
April 2023

Work Experience

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nurse
Columbia Hospital for Women Medical Center
Registered nurse
Washington, DC
July 1993 to September 1994

All Care Family Services Home Health Care Agency
Coordinator & Nursing Administrator Assistant
Buffalo, New York
Summers 1990-1995

ER and City of Angels Television shows
Medical Consultant:
Los Angeles, California

Memory Book and Movie
Medical Consultant:
Los Angeles, California

Medical-Legal Expert

American British Surgical and Medical Center
Plastic Surgeon Part-time
Dubai, UAE

Elliot Hospital- Breast Reconstructive Surgeon
Manchester, New Hampshire
July 2017- January 2018

Elite Body Sculpting
Plastic Surgeon Part-time
New York, New York
September 2018 to present

New York Medical Group
Plastic Surgeon-Part-time
New York, New York
February 2019-March 2021

Allmed Insurance Reviewer
Plastic Surgeon Part-Time
New York, New York
June 2019 to present

Verywell Medical Reviewer
Plastic Surgeon Part-Time
New York, New York
December 2019 to present

Office of Professional Conduct Reviewer
Plastic Surgeon- Part-Time
July 2023- present


Medical School
Teaching Assistant in Anatomy and Histology

Residency Teaching
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
College of Applied Anatomy Foundations Elective
July 2003

David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Head and Neck Examination lecture and Practical May, July, October 2003
Head and Neck Practical May & June 2002

University of Southern California School of Medicine
Head and Neck Examination Practical April 2002

Nurses Aide Certification Course- Instructor
All Care Family Service Home Health Care Agency
June 2000 & 2001

Undergraduate Admission Committee-Georgetown University
2002 -2015

State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine
Co-editor of the yearbook- Iris

Discovery Channel “Ceci’s Breast Reconstruction with
Perforator Flaps”
Breast Cancer Month October 2007

Health Beat Television- Lymphedema Surgery/TUG Flap
Charleston, South Carolina June 2008

House Calls TV-Lymphedema
Charleston, South Carolina September 2008

Cost Radio Station-Lymph Node Transfer
Biloxi, Mississippi June 2010

WOSM Radio Station-Lymph Node Transfer
Ocean Springs, Mississippi June 2010

Good Morning Mississippi-Lymph Node Transfer
Biloxi, Mississippi June 2010

Health and Fitness Magazine-Cover
New Orleans, Louisiana October 2010

New Orleans Living-Lymph Node Transfer
New Orleans, Louisiana October 2010

New Orleans Living-PAP FLAP
New Orleans, Louisiana February 2011

Askimo Health Live- DIEP Flap
Israel February 2013

Askimo Health Live- Breast Reduction
Israel February 2013

Askimo Health Live- Lymphedema
Israel February 2013

Askimo Health Live- Cosmetic Surgery
Israel February 2013


Jun. 2013: Camera Obscura (Italy): Mask of Perfection
Jun. 2013: Prix de la Photographie Paris (PX3); Mask of Perfection
Second Prize, “Fine Art-Professional” category
Jun. 2013: Prix de la Photographie Paris (PX3); Mask of Perfection
Honorable Mention, “Press-Professional” category
Jul. 2013: Die Presse (Austria): Mask of Perfection: Schönheit vom Band
Jul. 2013: Der Spiegel (Germany): Schönheitschirurg Dr. Frankenstein (Mask of Perfection)
Jul. 2013: LFI (Leica Fotografie International) German ed.: Maske der Perfektion
Jul. 2013: LFI (Leica Fotografie International) English ed.: Mask of Perfection
Jul. 2013: Bildwerk3 (Germany): Maske der Perfektion
Jul. 2013: Tonelit (UK): Mask of Perfection
Consultant Aesthetic Surgeon
American British Surgical and Medical Center,
Deira Dubai
UAE 2015-2018

Reviewer PRS

Scientific Advisory Committee

ERAPS Reviewer
Laceration Repairs in the ER
August 2017

ERAPS Reviewer
Breast Implant Complications in the ER
May 2018

Growing Plastic Surgery Podcast
Running a Private Plastic Surgery Practice
August 2018

Growing Plastic Surgery Podcast
Mommy- Makeovers
September 2018

Meet the Doctors Podcast
June 202

Where Before Meets After Podcast
December 2023

If you have any questions in regards to breast surgery and would like a complimentary consultation with our board certified NYC Plastic Surgeons, please feel free to contact our NYC office :

Breast Reconstruction Center of NYC
590 5th Ave, Suite 1124
New York, NY 10036
(646) 350-167

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    Contact Us

    Breast Reconstruction Center of NYC
    590 5th Ave, Suite 1124
    New York, NY 10036
    (646) 350-1675